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Business Outlook Survey Results Launch

Thank you to all the 50+ New Zealand Businesses operating in/with China who participated in New Zealand Business Roundtable in China (NZBRiC)'s Business Outlook Survey back in May. The time you took to answer the survey was incredibly valuable to inform this study and will be used as a resource by decision-makers concerning trade with China.

We are excited to announce the launch of the survey results into a report on August 17th, the report will cover:

- New Zealand companies' outlook and business confidence

- The opportunities in the market New Zealand companies are focusing on

- The challenges that New Zealand companies are navigating

- How New Zealand companies have recovered since Covid-19

- How New Zealand companies are investing in their China-based people

- How the bilateral relationship impacts New Zealand businesses' decision making

NZBRiC member companies have received an invitation to attend the offline launch in Shanghai via email. If you are not an NZBRiC member and would like to attend, or you would like to receive a copy of the report once it is launched please reach out to NZBRiC's Executive Director Anna-May Isbey directly.

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